The participants investigate the roles of historical and contemporary Latino philanthropists. They will look at the work of César Chávez and Dolores Huerta in the farm labor movement within the historical context of Latino activism in the United States.
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Unit: Our Constitutional Connection
Literature and primary documents help youth understand the role of the Constitution for the United States. They overview the three branches of government described in the first three articles and learn that government officials are serving with their time and talent for the common good. With the...
Three amendments to the Constitution extended voting rights to more citizens. Look at the language of these amendments and the effectiveness of everyone actually getting the vote. Youth discuss the purpose of voting, and they take action to make a difference, such as by making ...
Unit: Good Health in Our Community
Students design a plan to make themselves and their school community healthier. They brainstorm what it means to get moving and exercise, and they see that increasing physical fitness activity is good for everyone and brings a community together. Students will choose or design a service project...
Unit: Voting and the Common Good (10th Grade)
Learners examine the statistics of voter turnout in the Federal Elections and from these statistics the learners draw some comparative conclusions.
Unit: Making our Voices Heard for the Community
Raise awareness of the importance of freedom of speech and the opportunity to voice one's opinion without fear of reprisal, as principles basic to a democracy. The learners investigate ways to have a positive influence in encouraging eligible voters to make their voices heard at the...
Unit: Character Education: Respect (Grade 6)
In this lesson, we recognize that we all have biases and privileges. It is helpful to be aware of them so we see them as part of our identity and not a reason to judge or discriminate.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson is designed to expnd awareness about the famous suffragist Susan B. Anthony. Although she is best known for this role, she was active in six different causes as an abolitionist, educational reformer, labor activist, temperance worker, suffragist, and women's rights campaigner.
Unit: We ARE the Government
In this lesson, learners read primary documents that illustrate the motivations of the founding fathers of the United States related to philanthropy (government by the people, advocacy, civil rights, shared power). We have a long history of demanding civil rights for a population that was...
Unit: Constitution Day
Students identify key events in U.S. history and the magnitude of the Constitution in context, with a particular emphasis on philanthropy. This lesson is designed for Citizenship/Constitution Day (September 17) and connects students to the historical significance of the...