Sometimes it is wise to follow the advice of others and at other times it will only bring disaster. This lesson examines stories from South Africa, Morocco, and Nigeria and character traits valued in those cultures.
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Unit: Generosity of Spirit Folktales
Unit: Character Education: Integrity (Grade 6)
Learners listen to different statements of "the right thing to do" and determine the source of the value or judgment.
Learners look at different scenarios and explore the pros and cons of acting with integrity when no one is watching.
Learners read a brief description of the tough choice Frederik de Klerk faced as a leader in South Africa. They look at the strength needed to act with integrity when the pressure tells us to conform.
In three scenarios that challenge one's integrity, the young people discuss and provide rationale for their decision-making.
Learners demonstrate understanding of integrity by reflecting and writing in response to quotes or personal experiences related to integrity.
Unit: What Respect Means to Me
Learners define respect first for themselves, then as a group, they discuss the meaning of respect in different situations.
In this activity, the learners discuss and illustrate what it means to show respect for their personal identity, values, and emotions.
We all want our schools and other places we gather to feel safe, a place we all can be ourselves. In this lesson, we explore how respecting ourselves and others can promote an inclusive and safe community of belonging.
After learning about the definition of respect toward self and others, we explore the idea of respect for property or the environment.