Giving homemade blankets to help people who are homeless or young people in the hospital is a form of philanthropy (giving treasure). What is the best way to donate? Using a decision-making model, the young people compare blanket projects and determine whether they have the time,...
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Unit: Time, Talent, Treasure, and Economics
Unit: Traditions
Participants use langauge and art to illustrate the vocabulary of philanthropy and the importance of the tradition of philanthropy to the community.
Young people identify examples of philanthropy in a classic piece of literature. Note: One handout has Biblical applications of the storyline.
Unit: Women of the Industrial Era
This lesson explores the contributions made by Clara Barton as a nurse and founder of the American Red Cross. Her work is an example of the women from the Industrial Era making a difference through contributions to society. This lesson incorporates a service project connecting youth to the Red...
Unit: Kwanzaa: Unity Within Community
This lesson introduces the origin and purpose of Kwanzaa. Young people make a kinara, or candle holder, to use for the rest of the unit as they learn about the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
Learners develop an understanding of the seven principles of Kwanzaa through artistic applications. They are challenged to apply the principles to their everyday lives in a way that enhances the communities to which they belong.
Continuing from the previous lesson, the young people learn the next four of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. They are challenged to apply the principles to their everyday lives in a way that enhances the communities to which they belong.
Unit: Challenging Social Boundaries
This lesson describes a psychological awareness of the connection between racism and self-betrayal and self-deception. When we recognize that going against our best judgment leads to self-betrayal, it can help us act with integrity in many situations.
Learners will sponsor Mix It Up Day, a national project to promote diversity within a school environment. Learners will experience roles as private citizens attempting to change behavior.
Unit: Repairing the World (Private-Religious)
This lesson will introduce the concept of tikkun olam and teach of its importance. It will show youth that everyone has the ability to do tikkun olam, and that it can be accomplished in a variety of ways.