Neighborhood Treasure Hunt

During the pandemic, the 6th grade Gold Team Teachers from Castle North Middle School in Indiana collaborated to help their students complete several service-learning projects. The team set up clear steps and Zoom lessons to virtually guide students through the service-learning process. All of the students were motivated to make a difference. Each student identified a need related to the stay-at-home order, conducted research, planned a project, took action in their community, and created a reflective report. In total, Castle North Middle School students completed 118 service-learning projects between March and May 25, 2020! This is one of them.

Evie wanted to get kids outside and connecting in a safe way so she created a treasure hunt. Children in the neighborhood were encouraged to run from mailbox to mailbox searching for clues that led to a table of treasures. The parents and children had so much fun that they asked Evie to arrange this every week! Her idea was well received and even planted some ideas for social distancing birthday parties.

According to Evie, this project got her thinking about “more ways to continue interacting with others during this quarantine.”

Consider using the Service-Learning Toolkit to Grow Kindness for a list of service project ideas and resources that are designed to spark ideas for actions related to kindness and good deeds.

***Here are directions to a Simple Safe Service project from home: Get the neighborhood together and involved in painting ladybug designs on rocks and then hiding them in plain sight around town.


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