My Dream of Peace

6, 7, 8

To produce paintings or drawings that represent their “Dream of Peace” and that are submitted to an art competition.

A teacher using this lesson can look for art competitions locally or nationally that are sponsored by a museum, organization, or school district; a teacher might consider hosting a competition or exhibit at your school to recognize students’ work. Westminster students were preparing art focused on their visions of peace for a contest sponsored by Friendship Force International, and exhibited at an international gathering of Nobel Peace Prize laureates. 

Print55-minute class period

Students will:

  • Have an experience intended to reinforce their learning about biblical prophets and the messages they proclaimed to the Israelite people.
  • Learn about Nobel Peace Prize laureates and how they have made a difference through advocacy for social issues around the world.
  • Understand that their voice matters and can make a difference – that they can be a prophet by advocating for the injustices in our society.
  • Produce a small work of art that will be submitted to a youth art contest sponsored by Friendship Force International.

Construction paper, markers, colored pencils, Sharpie markers, crayons, pencil sharpeners

Teacher Preparation 

This art activity is designed to build on prior knowledge gained through lessons about biblical prophets and advocacy (such as Lessons 3, 4 and 5 of this unit).

Teachers can use this curriculum to adapt to their school’s or community’s events and resources. The lessons in Bible class during this unit fit well at Westminster where, in the spring semester, Christian Emphasis Week occurs. This week often encompass themes related to caring for others and service.


Prophet, advocacy, peace, social justice, Nobel Peace Prize laureate


  1. The teacher explains that the class will be completing our Bible Service Learning Project. To prepare for class today, the teacher had assigned homework for the students – to research a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and his or her contributions through advocating for social issues around the world.

  2. The teacher summarizes for students their recent activities in Bible class:

    • In this unit, we have learned about the biblical prophets and the messages they each proclaimed. They raised their voices to point out an injustice in society or something that offended God (such as ignoring the poor, putting widows out on the street, or being more concerned about ritual than loving others).
    • You also found prophetic voices in the music you listen to—modern-day prophets who speak out against racism, bullying, greed, etc. through the words and music they write.
    • Your homework for today was to research a living Nobel Peace Prize laureate—more modern-day prophets who have brought to light issues happening all over the world.
    • Hopefully, through all these lessons and examples, you understand that your voice matters, and that one voice can make a difference. YOU can be a prophet by looking around at what might offend God in our society or what doesn’t seem fair and you can speak up about it.
  3. The teacher then provides an overview and the purpose of an art contest or exhibit for which the students will create artwork. The teacher shares with the class the following instructions:

    • God created us to create. This means more than just creating things like painting, sculptures, music, etc. It means that we are also called to create opportunities for others and to help create a world where everyone is treated fairly.
    • For the conclusion of our Bible Service Learning Project, you will use your creativity to advocate for others. You will imagine a world where things are different than they are today and you will DRAW what peace looks like to you.
    • Ask students to choose an issue that they are passionate about (like fighting racism, violence, poverty, food injustice, etc.) and using a piece of paper, CREATE a visual image of what fixing that social injustice might look like. You can use words and/or images to draw. Remember, YOU ARE THE PROPHET!
  4. Students create their art:

    • Ask students to clear their desks.
    • Ask two students to distribute one piece of white construction paper to each person.
    • Explain that they can use markers, colored pencils, Sharpies, or crayons located in the front of the room.
    • Ask students to spend the rest of the class period creating their pieces of art.
    • Ask students to write their name, age, and title of their picture on the back once they finish with their art. Then return all supplies to the containers in which they found them.

Students receive a participation grade for their pieces of artwork. 

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