Sisters Teaching Young Ladies Excellence = STYLE!

Using the lessons Dear Freshman and We're All In This Together, 20 STYLE participants from Clarenceville High School in Michigan discussed ways to positively influence their school environment.

The group of students decided to begin with beautifying the school building. Mini-grant funds, provided in partnership between the Michigan After-School Partnership (MASP), NYLC, and Learning to Give helped STYLE students purchase 12 framed motivational posters to be displayed throughout the school to encourage and positively influence staff and students. 

"Students were able to change the culture and atmosphere of the school building with these motivational art displays," said Ms. Stevenson. 

Members also participated in the school's first ever African American History Assembly, which was entirely student organized; students sang songs, performed poetry, wrote and read bios about influential African Americans, and danced in this assembly. 

"I loved the African American History Assembly," said one student.

"The African American History Assembly was amazing!" said another.

Many STYLE members are also involved with a virtual book club to provide a venue for young women who like to read to gather and discuss books monthly and to build positive relationships with one another. After purchasing the posters, STYLE members had enough funds left over to purchase books for members in the book club and buy gifts for the monthly staff awards.  

A STYLE member reflected, "I am so excited that we are having a female book club. It is great to see the positive changes in our school building!" 

Finally, new to the school in 2020-21 is a Big Brother/Big Sister Mentoring program. High School juniors at Clarenceville will now mentor new incoming freshman during their freshman and sophomore year and STYLE is a big part of that process. 

"It is our hope that with these various activities and our STYLE program that our students will be positively impacted in their academics and social emotional wellbeing," explained Ms. Stevenson. "We will have and provide numerous resources for our students now and in the future."

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