Between November 2016 and April 2017, Learning to Give awarded $24,000 in mini-grants to teachers for student service-learning projects around the United States.
The stories of our teachers and students illustrate the power of philanthropy education (with Learning to Give lessons) to set the groundwork (hearts and minds) for service-learning projects. From recycling to inter-generational reading, the classroom projects and stories inspire you to guide your students to make a difference in their communities.
This fall at Learning to Give, you can apply for a service-learning mini-grant from $250-$1,500. We can help with transportation, books, teaching tools, materials, and more. Our vision is that all youth have skills and knowledge for lifeling giving of time, talent, and treasure for the common good.
The application is easy: Tell us what lesson you'll use, the project idea, learning goals, and what funds are needed.
Below are a few stories to get you started. Sign up for Learning to Give Facebook and Twitter, as well as our newsletter, to get notification of the mini-grant application and more inspirationsal stories and tips to be a classroom that is learning to give.