A Loss for the Learning to Give Family


Dr. Russ Mawby, Chairman Emeritus of the W.K.Kellogg Foundation passed away at 89 years old on October 20, 2017.

“My description of a leader? A leader is anyone who sees either a problem that needs to be addressed, or an opportunity that ought to be capitalized on, and then does something about it.” - Russ Mawby



We lost a giant in the philanthropy field when Russ Mawby, Chairman Emeritus of the W.K.Kellogg Foundation passed away at 89 years old on October 20, 2017. This is a personal loss for Learning to Give. Dr. Mawby believed and invested in young people, education, and philanthropy. As a leader at the Kelllogg Foundation and the Council of Michigan Foundations, he drove efforts to empower young people as grantmakers in their communities and, with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, he funded the development of Learning to Give with an endowment, assuring teachers would have free access to these philanthropy lesson plans forever.

Russ Mawby chaired the committee that created Learning to Give through its testing and development stages. The committee included members of the Michigan State School Board, the social studies consultant for the State of Michigan, other foundation presidents, local school superintendents, and educational researchers and teachers. With its solid beginnings and endowment in Michigan, Learning to Give is now a national resource with over 1.5 million annual users, and has been translated for use in other countries. Read more about Russ Mawby in this Learning to Give white paper

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