Ms. Ishee is a middle school teacher who says, "learning service and philanthropy creates opportunities for students to learn empathy and good citizenship. It helps them learn the importance of helping others and that not everyone same experiences."
Over 600 middle school students participated in Ms. Ishee's 2018 Project Linus service-learning project. Students participated in discussions about kindness and service with help from the Learning to Give lesson Random Acts of Kindness.
Project Linus is a national nonprofit organization that provides blankets to children in crisis. Ms. Ishee's students made no-sew blankets to donate to Project Linus. The project brought together advisory classes and the whole school to help students think about how their actions can comfort and help those in need. A total of 165 blankets were donated!
"I can't believe how many we made this year," said one student. "These blankets will go to so many kids," said another.
The students were so inspired that they created a whole additional service-project focused on creating flowers out of the fleece scraps.
"Students were able to see how they can make a difference, especially if they work together for a cause," said Ms. Ishee.