November 15, National Philanthropy Day, provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving – how it has enhanced our civic society, as well as what there still is to do. The Association of Fundraising Professionals values Educating Youth to Understand the Importance of Philanthropy.
What is National Philanthropy Day®?
For almost 20 years, hundreds of communities across North America have come together to recognize the countless ways philanthropy has affected our world. Officially recognized each year on November 15, National Philanthropy Day® is celebrated by numerous fundraising professionals, government leaders, foundations, businesses, individual donors and others who wish to honor all the contributions philanthropy has made. NPD provides an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of giving and all that it has accomplished, as well as what there still is to do.
This year, tens of thousands of people will show the world that the
spirit of giving is alive and well, and stronger than ever.
Learning to Give, in partnership with the Association of Fundraising Professionals, has developed lessons that elementary, middle, and high school educators can use to explain the importance of philanthropy, the significance of National Philanthropy Day®, and the role of AFP chapters and members in the philanthropic community. AFP chapter members can utilize the lesson content below in coordination with schools in their local communities to educate youth in the classroom about philanthropy on National Philanthropy Day.
Find lesson plans here to educate your class about the value of giving their time, talent, or treasure as part of our civic tradition.