This true-to-life story tells the tale of a young boy whose beloved cat dies. The boy struggles with his grief. He isn’t interested in television or his favorite foods; he only wants to cry. The boy also struggles with finding ten good things to say about his cat, Barney, a task his mother...
Swimmy’s world becomes much bigger when he loses his school of fish. When he explores the great sea in search of a new community, he learns about the beauty of the world and the way things work. In this story, we learn about the importance of working together...
Grace loves stories and has a gift for telling and acting them out. She wants the part of Peter Pan in the school play. Someone tells her she can't be Peter Pan because she's a girl. Someone else says she can't be Peter Pan because she is Black. Grace's mother and Nana tell her she can...
Judith Viorst is a master at capturing the humor of everyday life in a family of three lively brothers. You will love the persistent but mistake-prone Alexander who wants so badly to be rich, VERY rich. Enjoy the detailed descriptions of how Alexander spends his...
Is your child a saver or a spender? Teaching our children to make choices with money is important because in too few years they need to manage their own money to support themselves. Share the story of A Chair for My Mother to teach your children about the joy and excitement of saving for a...
When a crisis upends life or disaster strikes, whether caused by nature or humans, the humanitarian spirit of individuals and communities swells. The lesson plans, project ideas, and links to nonprofit resources here provide opportunities to discuss our response to a crisis and explore actions that young people can take before and after disaster strikes.