Young people are making a difference for the issues they care about in big and small ways every day. Learners read stories of young people who are taking action through philanthropy and discuss the attributes of youth philanthropists. They reflect on their own power and potential to make a difference.

Youth identify motivations for giving and social action in the community. They compare research-based motivations of adults and youth. They write a persuasive call to action for an issue of their choice based on the motivations they learned. 

We are introduced to The Group of Seven, a group of artists whose intent was to establish a national identity, a sense of pride and an original style for Canada, inspired by the environment. This was a philanthropic endeavor for the common good of all. Participants create similar landscapes of their local community to inspire environmental stewardship.

Learners envision an ideal world characterized by principles of justice, kindness, peace, and belonging. They write articles for a fictitious newspaper called USA Tomorrow that reports on the ideal world. They will reflect in writing about one step they can take to make an ideal world a reality.


Reviewing current political cartoons related to justice, equity, and racism, learners identify how language and humor act as a form of social action. They create their own cartoons or statement promoting or showing the damage of one of these themes.


Learners look at nonprofit mission statements and then create a personal mission statement related to the impact they want to make as responsible, engaged citizens. 

Focus Question: How does an individual use personal interests and strengths to impact the common good?

The learners view works of art that advocate for social change and find that art can influence social change. The learners select an issue of human rights and create a work of art that represents the issue. They write a paragraph of explanation about their work.

Learners explore the variety of job opportunities available in the nonprofit sector, many of which may use their skills and interests. In the nonprofit sector, the work is meaningful because it focuses on a mission to make change for the better. 
