The group discusses and agrees on a need to address through donating money. They watch a film about a boy who sets up a lemonade stand and read a book about a national Lemonade Stand effort. Then they identify a need, learn more, and communicate the need to others.

Now that the need they want to address is identified, the children meet people in the community who address the need and others who may want to help them with their fundraiser. 

This lesson introduces young people to the concept of philanthropy as giving time, talent, or treasure for the common good. They learn that even young people can be philanthropists. The following lessons lead young people to plan a fundraiser. 

The conversation centers on bringing individuals together in community, as they learned from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We each have individual strengths, and we are stronger together as we share our hopes for a world united in generosity for all. The children bind individual pages together into a book that teaches others about hope, kindness, and unity.

Through a story in which a child inspires her neighborhood to improve a vacant lot, young people recognize that they can have a positive impact on others. They brainstorm a philanthropic project to benefit the school or larger community.
