Tell me a story...

Once Mullah was asked to perform a miracle.

“Never mind,” said Mullah as he commanded a tree to come nearer to him.

The tree did not move.

“Never mind,” said Mullah again as he stepped forward toward the tree.

“You said you are holy,”...

Tell me a story...

Everyone brings something to a new country. Part of what Sayed brought was a terrible fear of never having enough. He had his reasons. In the small village he had come from, he had had so little.

He did not have little now. He lived in a...

Tell me a story...

Once upon a time, a king and queen lived happily together. One day, the King felt restless, and decided to wage war on a heathen lord, infamous for his cruelty and evil. The King gathered a great army, took leave from his wife, and set sail. When the King landed in...

Tell me a story...

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife who were very poor and had nothing at all in their house. The wife, who was pregnant, gave birth to a son at ten o'clock at night, but she had nothing with which to wrap the tender babe. The poor father...
