We are made by history. In this activity, youth read the stories of philanthropic African Americans and influential related events that made America what it is today. Then they create a virtual Pop-Up Museum as an advocacy service project in which they tell stories of Black history and philanthropy.

Young people learn about people and children who are homeless and make bedtime bags for children in shelters as their service project. 

"I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody."  - Lily Tomlin

Learners use words to communicate positively and build community. A service project involves writing positive messages on stones and placing them strategically to uplift and beautify.

A Palestinian (Arab) Tale: A poor woodcutter drops a fava bean down a well and starts moaning. The spirits who live in the well give him a series of magic objects to keep him quiet. He loses the first two to his neighbors, but then regains them. Even foolishness is sometimes rewarded with useful gifts.

An Indian (Buddhist) Tale: The Buddha-to-be, born as a quail, instructs his flock how to escape the hunter’s nets by working together. He then encourages them to move deeper into the forest in order to practice cooperation. Some of the quail refuse to leave, and as a result of their arguing, they are caught by the hunter and perish.
