Young people discuss the need for and examples of nonviolent conflict resolution. They promote the idea of taking action for change by organizing a rally for nonviolence. 

In this lesson, students define serial reciprocity as "paying it forward." They compare the concept of paying it forward (serial reciprocity) with the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They brainstorm issues and campaigns they can address to make an impact that ripples forward as a result of their influence. 

Participants explore Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s thoughts about serving and taking action. They give examples of service and social action by one person that can change the world.

Using the radio broadcast "This I Believe" as a model, learners create visual or audio statements of their beliefs about volunteering and serving. Each presentation communicates the culture, experiences, and motivations that influence the learner's attitude about service. After presenting their statements to the class, the learners discuss how to use the presentations as a form of advocacy to promote civic engagement in the community. This lesson incorporates reflection and a demonstration to a wider audience.

Learners compare and contrast the work and mission of four famous philanthropists: Cesar Chavez, George Washington Carver, Sunderlal Buhuguna, and Abdul Sattar Edhi. They identify the motivations, impact, and attitudes about service, and start to clarify their personal attitudes about service by writing a personal mission statement.

One of our roles in a civil society is connecting to diverse others and seeing their light within. In this lesson, learners watch a video and listen to an audio recording that both show how we can overcome first impressions about people and value the diversity of their experiences and culture. 

Biographical Highlights

Born in Ionia, Michigan, in 1922, Harvey Lemmen went on to earn an MBA from the University of Michigan. He went to work for Meijer, Inc. in 1949, retiring...

Biographical Highlights

The son of Steelcase founder, Peter Martin Wege, Peter Melvin Wege was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1920. After college and World War II service, he made his career at...
